Bhimashankar – Sweet Spot Of Sahyadri




The ghat region of the Sahyadri Hills wears the prettiest shade of green with the onset of monsoon. The notable biodiversity of Bhimashankar is certainly a bewitching sight. Explore the place with your friends or family as some stunning escapades await you in the midst of vast valleys.

Sahyadri Wildlife Sanctuary and Jyotirlinga Temple are some of the most popular places to visit in Maharashtra during monsoon. It is this time when the abundant flora and fauna of the sanctuary comes alive and rare animal breeds can be spotted. If you are in or around Pune during monsoon, make sure that you don’t miss out on this place.

Distance & time taken from Mumbai to Bhimashankar: 220 km and 5h

Distance & time taken from Pune to Bhimashankar: 110 km and 3h




Sahyadri Wildlife Sanctuary

Sahyadri Wildlife Sanctuary

Sahyadri Wildlife Sanctuary


Plant Guide: How To Choose The Best Plants from Nursery


While you are on your Field trip, learn how to shop for the best product and the best value.

What you will need:

·             1) Pencil or Pen

·             2) Ruler or Measuring Device

·             3) Best Buy Worksheet


What you will do:

1.         1) Choose six different plants you like. Write their names in Row A.

2.         2) Visit as many different types of stores as you can and write their name in Row B.

3.         3) Select an example of each (Row A) in each store (Row B) and fill in the following information for each row using the BEST BUY WORKSHEET?

Row C:  How many leaves are on each Plant?  (Fill in the Number)

Row D: Are any leaves drooping, torn, yellowed, or brown?  (Yes/No)

Row E:  Does the soil feel damp to the touch? (Yes/No)

Row F:  What Size is the pot? (Inches across the top of the container)

Row G: How tall is the plant? (Inches from top of pot to top of plant)

Row H:  What is the price of the plant?

Row I: How many pots of this type of plant are for sale in the store?  (Few/many)


4.          4) Circle these answers in each row:  

C: Largest Number

D: No 

E: Yes 

F: Largest Number

G: Largest Number

H: Smallest number

I: Largest Number

5.          5) Count the number of circled answers under each store and write in Row J. The Highest number in         Row J is probably the best buy.